Class 9 PABSON Level Examination -Computer Model Question



                  PABSON Level Examination - 2080 (2024)

                                                           Grade-IX                                                                  FullMarks:50      
Subject: Optional II - Computer Science

Time: 1.5 hrs

GROUP-A [10 Marks]    

1. Answer the following questions in one sentence:           6 × 1 = 6


   a. What is an output unit?


   b. Define data and information.


   c. Write any two characteristics of modern computer.


   d. What is an arithmetic operator?


   e. What do you mean by cache memory?


   f. What is computer graphics?


2. Write appropriate technical terms for the following:     2


   a. A small computer that can be kept on the palm.


   b. The error due to wrong information and data.


3. Write the full forms of the following:     2 






GROUP-B [14 Marks]


4. Answer the following questions in one sentence:   9 × 2 = 18


   a. What is an Abacus? List any two electronic computers.


   b. Differentiate between HTTP and HTTPS.


   c. What is HTML? Write the basic structure of HTML.


   d. What is booting? List any two types of booting.


   e. Differentiate between analog and digital computer.


   f. What do you mean by a search engine? Give any two examples.


   g. Define a web browser. Write any two types of graphics images.


   h. Write down the HTML code for the following tasks:


      i. To give the heading for the page and use red color.


      ii. To link the image.


5. Write the output of the following program: 2 × 1 = 2


   a = 10

   b = 15

   LET s = a MOD 3

   LET t = b MOD 4

   LET m = (a + b) / 5

   LET u = s + t + m

   PRINT "_{sum} = " u



6. Rewrite the following program with correcting bugs:


   REM Remarks to check odd or even

   INPUT "Input A"; A

   If A MOD 2 = 0 THEN

       PRINT "A is even"


       PRINT "A is odd"

   End If



7. Read the following program and answer the given questions.


   INPUT "Enter your name"; n$

   INPUT "Enter the marks of three subjects"; a, b, c

   LET s = a + b + c

   LET p = s / 3


   PRINT n$, s, p

   LET st = 1001

   LET t = st MOD 10

   PRINT st, t


   a. What is the function of MOD in the above program? 1


   b. What kind of data is going to be stored in variable n$ and p? 1


GROUP-C [16 Marks]


8. Define an algorithm and flowchart. Draw a flowchart showing the greatest among three numbers. 4


9. Write a program to check whether the input number is positive or negative. 4


10. Write a program to generate the following series: 35, 30, 25, ......5.                                                                    4


11. Write a QBASIC program to input a student's name, class, and any five subject marks. Calculate total marks, percentage, and display all information.




   Write a QBASIC program to read name, age, and address and display on the screen using READ... DATA.                 4


                                                                                THE END

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